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After-sales Assistance
Preventive Mainteinance
Parameters Gn
AFTER-SALES I After-sales Assistance

Deltagas S.A. relies on a group of engineering and technical maintenance personnel provided with the necessary resources for an effective, rapid and opportune assistance that has constituted a network at the national level, with local personnel in the principal cities in order to offer a technical permanent presence and an immediate response 24 hours 365 days of the year.

Preventive maintenance to optimize the performance
of the CNG station and to reduce costs.
Attention 24 Hs 365 days of the year.
Highly qualified personnel.
Original spare parts.
Rapid and effective response.
A constant training certified by Aspro Headquarters
Fulfillment of the quality norms, safety and environment.
International experience.


To be contacted by the After-sales department of Deltagas click here.


Deltagas S.A. Terminal Terrestre de Carga de Bogotá, Km 3,5 Autopista Medellín, Costado Sur, Bodega 53 Módulo 5. Bogotá, Colombia. Tel. ++57 1 841-5605
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